Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 20, 2010. Introduction

So i have decided to start a blog that will just keep up with my life and all thats going on in it. im making this post to catch you up on life up to this point.
August 2007. James and I met at Flathead High School, it was orientation day for my sophomore year, he had missed orientation for juniors the day before so he was there to pick up his schedule. After that day we started hanging out-alot. And although it was clear we both wanted to be together, we held off for a while :)
January 29, 2008.  James and i "officially" started dating. in March of 2009 we broke up for several months, in which time James joined the army, he shipped off for basic training after he graduated in June.
October 2009.  James graduated AIT and reported to his first duty station, in Vilseck Germany.
January 2010. After early graduation i left for Germany to be with him. plans of marriage were already in the making.
February 14, 2010. James purposed to me, the best valentines day of my life! in-fact i think that day rates right up there in the top five best days of my life, coming in around 3rd.
March 15, 2010. We became Mr. and Mrs. Gress :)  that day would come in as the 2nd best day of my life!   its actually a rather crazy story. James was participating in a month long field training exercise, when he was granted emergency leave to visit his sick grandmother.  because we were spending the money to fly home at that time, we wouldnt be able to fly home in may (per-deployment leave) to get married.  so with one weeks notice i booked us flights, arranged a wedding (with TONS of help from my mom) and figured out all of our other travel/living arrangements.  two days before James returned from the field for his emergency leave i took a pregnancy test... and it was positive.  i was BEYOND excited, and instead oftelling him over the phone i wrapped it up in a little box and gave it too him when he got back from the field, he was crazy happy.  however we didnt tell our families just yet. anyways, we flew in to san diego at midnight one the 14th and left for las vegas around 5am the morning of the 15th! we got married at a beautiful little chapel.   i got to meet his grandmother and he got to be with her for the last time.. two days later we returned to Germany.
June 21, 2010 James' unit, 2nd stryker 2nd cavalry regiment, deployed for afghanistan, and July 1'st i returned to Montana to be with family during the deployment.
November 10,2010 James came home for his two weeks of mid deployment leave, he flew into Kalispell montana and his mother, father, sister, niece, and brother in law came to see him.
November 12, 2010 Colt Alexander Gress was born.  we went into the hospital at one in the  morning on the 12th for an induction at 39 weeks, and at 8:44am our beautiful baby boy was born.  Colt weighed 6lbs 15oz, and measured 19.5".  this was THE number one best day of my life, too have my husband home from afghanistan and to welcome our little boy to the world, together.. i dont know if anything can possible beat that day!  November 15th, James returned to Afghanistan.
Well those are all of the BIG dates up till this point. since November ive started school at FVCC, im working towards my nursing degree.  Colt is just over 4 months old, and learning new tricks every day.  James and i celebrated our first wedding anniversary. And now were just waiting for Daddy to come back home too us <3  hopefully in mid may!